Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jackson @Unwrapped with type information

If you are reading this, then it is highly possible that you know that currently Jackson @Unwrapped does not play nice with type information.

 Actually, in my case the issue was only with serialization. Jackson did recognize my type information, embedded as @type property while deserializing. On serialization it produced something like {:{"a":1}}. But I wanted {"@type":"myType", "a":1}.

Jackson has this issue registered in issue tracker, but it looks like correct fix is too complex. But I still want inheritance with unwrapping :) Here is a snippet that fixes issue.

NB! This code snippet fixes issue, but it's global effect is not confirmed :D

1 comment:

  1. This solution fails, if the nested class uses one of the following features: @JsonIgnoreProperties, @JsonFilter or @JsonIdentityInfo.

    See discussion at!topic/jackson-user/Aw0y6XgToH8

    and the open issue:

    Cheers, Paolo
